Oh My Goodness – Tippy

Year: 2019 Tyler Wood Credits: Composer, Musician, Producer, Recording, Mixing and Mastering Engineer TIPPY by Oh My Goodness —  streaming / purchase / oh my goodness website  — …recorded and mixed at 2-od Studio and Sauce Farm Studio, New York…

Bill Lee – Songs For The Family

Year: 2019 Tyler Wood Credits: Musician, Producer, Recording and Mixing Engineer Songs For The Family by Bill Lee Songs For The Family by Bill Lee —  purchase album  — …recorded and mixed at Sauce Farm Studio, New York…

Lord Sonny The Unifier – Final Notice!

Year: 2019 Tyler Wood Credits: Musician, Recording and Mixing Engineer FINAL NOTICE! by Lord Sonny the Unifier FINAL NOTICE! by Lord Sonny the Unifier —   purchase album   —   lord sonny website  — … mixed at Sauce Farm Studio, New York …

Alex Gibney – Dirty Money

Creator: Alex Gibney Network: Netflix Year: 2017 Tyler Wood Credit: Composer, Musician, Recording and Mixing Engineer Series Title Video: —  View Series On Netflix  — … from crippling payday loans to cars that cheat emissions tests, this investigative series exposes brazen acts of corporate greed and corruption …

Pyeng Threadgill – Head Full Of Hair, Heart Full Of Song

Year: 2018 Tyler Wood Credits: Musician, Recording and Mixing Engineer Head Full Of Hair, Heart Full Of Song by Pyeng Threadgill —   stream/purchase album   —   pyeng threadgill website  — …recorded at gb’s juke joint and orange fish studios, mixed at sauce farm studio, new york…

Noam Weinstein – On Waves

Year: 2016 Tyler Wood Credits: Musician, Recording and Mixing Engineer “Future Therapy Fund” Future Therapy Fund “Over” Over “The Nightmare Of Life Is a Dream” The Nightmare Of Life Is A Dream —  purchase album  —  enoam.com  — … mixed at sauce farm studio, New York …

Glass Ghost – LYFE

Year: 2014 Tyler Wood Credits: Producer, Musician, Recording and Mixing Engineer Audio: Video for “Home For The Holidays”: Video for “Life Is For The Living”: —  buy download  —  buy vinyl/cd  —  westernvinyl.com  — … produced, recorded and mixed at 2-od studio, brooklyn ny …